About Us
Introducing Skateez™, the best way to teach kids how to skate.
It all started one winter afternoon in 2003 just north of Toronto in cottage country. After a light winter snowfall, Skateez partner David Hopkins went outside to clear a patch of lakefront ice so that his children could get out and enjoy a favorite and storied Canadian past time – pond skating. David’s son Taite, fairly new to skating, got onto the cleared ice and could not get his balance. After many frustrating falls, the 4-year old went off to the side, on the un-cleared lake where he could stand comfortably with full balance. He began to walk and then glide with ease, the small layer of snow giving him just enough support to allow him to stay upright and skate.
On that Saturday afternoon an idea was born…
Skateez started with a simple idea and a simple purpose – to facilitate learning to skate and make it easy and fun for kids in the process. Like training wheels for skates, the goal of Skateez™ is to give children the opportunity to get on the ice and allow them to experience the freedom and enjoyment of ice skating. For parents, it‘s a product that relieves them of the back-breaking scenario that typically goes along with teaching their children how to skate.
David, along with two partners, Thom Antonio and Rob Spanier, decided to take this simple idea and turn it into reality – a real product for children to enjoy and for parents to have their kids learn to skate sooner. Skateez™ is now available at stores throughout Canada, the United States and some locations throughout Europe. Skateez is distributed by Canadawide Sports. Skateez is also available for sale online at www.skateez.com and is currently featured in Canadian Tire’s WOW Guide Fall/Winter 2016.